Thursday, January 15, 2009

Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. Freedom 7, Truth

To all who want truth:

Concerning Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. and the Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) "scam" that some people call it, they know nothing of the truth. I have been in disbelief concerning the ridiculous accusations that are on the Internet about Charles A. Spradlin, Sr., who is not even a life insurance salesman and never claimed to be. Also, there are bad things written about The China Foundation and Exousia Foundation, Ltd and they, too, are all lies. These are some of the most Godly foundations on earth today that I know of.

A lot of comments seem to surround the Freedom 7 Program and the associated ILIT of which I was an active participant. The lack of facts, the twisting, and the big one - “guilt by association” - has painted an erroneous picture. The only victim that I have seen in the whole matter is Charles A. Spradlin, Sr.

Let me explain.

At the time of my involvement with the Freedom 7 Program, I was a licensed insurance salesmen in the state of Virgina, a fact which can easily be verified, and I marketed the Freedom 7 program and accompanying insurance policies. I also was involved with several investigations of the program by state insurance commissioners and by internal investigations by insurance companies. The program, as stated in Marylynn's statements on her blog at, was designed to be a benefit to individuals' families and provide a source of income to nonprofit organizations with mission statements to clothe, feed, and house the less fortunate. Much of the work was voluntary and I did not receive commissions from the sale of any policies. Around 80 people in my church signed up for the program and not one was charged a dime. My activities were investigated by the state of Virginia and by several insurance companies. I was found to have not violated any laws.

Well, what went wrong?

In the beginning, Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. mentioned the Freedom 7 Program to me, after he'd had the Freedom 7 Program checked out by professional insurance agents who said it was a great plan, Charles signed up and others in his church did so also. So I, as a professional insurance agent, after reviewing the Freedom 7 Program, did the same. I signed myself up, my wife, our children, and many in my church did so also.

Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. stopped mentioning the Freedom 7 Program or dealing with it in any way or having any involvement in the Freedom 7 Program after a Mr. Fred Damron began doing administrative, legal, and advertising work for it. I should have quit, too, because Fred Damron and some other man named Bob Pearson began to do things which they did not have the authority to do, according to what I know as a licensed insurance agent. This caused many complaints to the SEC, insurance companies, and state insurance commissioners. Sadly, Charles A. Spradlin, Sr., myself, and other innocent people were accused of fraud. If that were a true charge, then why were Charles and I found innocent? Guilt by association seems to be enough for some to make character assassinations without any substantial facts.

For your information, as far as I know, The China Foundation and Exousia Foundation, Ltd have never had anything to do with the Freedom 7 Program. Paul H. Chappell, attorney at law, to my knowledge has never had anything to do with the Freedom 7 program other than to prepare and review a few legal documents for the program. He is a wonderful man whom I have met. So some clown calls him names - and any other related persons' names he can find (like innocent clients) - "fraudsters."

As far as all the other absurd, laughable, and crazy accusations, they do not deserve my time to respond to. Anyone who would believe such things is like what the wisest man said, “a fool speaks before he knows a matter.”

I have known Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. for almost 20 years. He has spoken at my church several times and I have weekly contact with him. He has stayed in my home several times. I have traveled with him on numerous occasions. His character, integrity, and honesty have been exemplary. He has a true servant's heart, always serving others. His desire has always been to help others in every way possible.

I challenge anyone to disprove any statement that I have given here. I have the facts and the truth. Truth will always outlive the lie.

Tony L. Hall